#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import tempfile import shutil import string import subprocess def resolve(path): if os.path.islink(path): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), os.readlink(path)) return resolve(path) return path def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) def which(program): fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) if fpath: if is_exe(program): return program else: for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) if is_exe(exe_file): return exe_file return None # retrieve full path of the current script # symlinks are resolved, so application.ini could be found SLIMERJS_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(resolve(__file__))) SYS_ARGS = sys.argv[1:] SLIMERJSLAUNCHER = os.environ.get("SLIMERJSLAUNCHER", ""); if SLIMERJSLAUNCHER == "": POSSIBLE_PATH = [] if sys.platform == "linux" or sys.platform == "linux2" or sys.platform == "darwin": POSSIBLE_PATH.append(os.path.join(SLIMERJS_PATH, "xulrunner", "xulrunner")) path = which('firefox') if path != None: POSSIBLE_PATH.append(path) path = which('xulrunner') if path != None: POSSIBLE_PATH.append(path) elif sys.platform == "win32": POSSIBLE_PATH.append(os.path.join(SLIMERJS_PATH, "xulrunner", "xulrunner.exe")) path = which('firefox.exe') if path != None: POSSIBLE_PATH.append(path) path = which('xulrunner.exe') if path != None: POSSIBLE_PATH.append(path) POSSIBLE_PATH.append(os.path.join(os.environ.get('programfiles'), "Mozilla Firefox", "firefox.exe")) POSSIBLE_PATH.append("%s (x86)" % os.path.join(os.environ.get('programfiles'), "Mozilla Firefox", "firefox.exe")) for path in POSSIBLE_PATH: if is_exe(path): SLIMERJSLAUNCHER = path break if SLIMERJSLAUNCHER == "": print('SLIMERJSLAUNCHER environment variable is missing and I don\'t find XulRunner or Firefox') print('Set SLIMERJSLAUNCHER with the path to Firefox or XulRunner') sys.exit(1) else: if not os.path.exists(SLIMERJSLAUNCHER): print("SLIMERJSLAUNCHER environment variable does not contain an executable path: %s. Set it with the path to Firefox" % SLIMERJSLAUNCHER) sys.exit(1) def showHelp(): print(" --config= Load the given configuration file") print(" (JSON formated)") print(" --debug=[yes|no] Prints additional warning and debug message") print(" (default is no)") print(" --disk-cache=[yes|no] Enables disk cache (default is no).") print(" --help or -h Show this help") #print(" --ignore-ssl-errors=[yes|no] Ignores SSL errors (default is no).") print(" --load-images=[yes|no] Loads all inlined images (default is yes)") print(" --local-storage-quota= Sets the maximum size of the offline") print(" local storage (in KB)") #print(" --local-to-remote-url-access=[yes|no] Allows local content to access remote") #print(" URL (default is no)") print(" --max-disk-cache-size= Limits the size of the disk cache (in KB)") #print(" --output-encoding= Sets the encoding for the terminal output") #print(" (default is 'utf8')") #print(" --remote-debugger-port= Starts the script in a debug harness and") #print(" listens on the specified port") #print(" --remote-debugger-autorun=[yes|no] Runs the script in the debugger immediately") #print(" (default is no)") print(" --proxy= Sets the proxy server") print(" --proxy-auth= Provides authentication information for the") print(" proxy") print(" --proxy-type=[http|socks5|none|auto|system|config-url] Specifies the proxy type (default is http)") #print(" --script-encoding= Sets the encoding used for the starting") #print(" script (default is utf8)") #print(" --web-security=[yes|no] Enables web security (default is yes)") print(" --version or v Prints out SlimerJS version") #print(" --webdriver or --wd or -w Starts in 'Remote WebDriver mode' (embedded") #print(" GhostDriver) ''") #print(" --webdriver=[:] Starts in 'Remote WebDriver mode' in the") #print(" specified network interface") #print(" --webdriver-logfile= File where to write the WebDriver's Log ") #print(" (default 'none') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver')") #print(" --webdriver-loglevel=[ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG] WebDriver Logging Level ") #print(" (default is 'INFO') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver')") #print(" --webdriver-selenium-grid-hub= URL to the Selenium Grid HUB (default is") #print(" 'none') (NOTE: needs '--webdriver') ") print(" --error-log-file= Log all javascript errors in a file") print(" -jsconsole Open a window to view all javascript errors") print(" during the execution") print("") print("*** About profiles: see details of these Mozilla options at") print("https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Command_Line_Options#User_Profile") print("") print(" --createprofile name Create a new profile and exit") print(" -P name Use the specified profile to execute the script") print(" -profile path Use the profile stored in the specified") print(" directory, to execute the script") print("By default, SlimerJS use a temporary profile") print("") # retrieve list of existing environment variable, #because Mozilla doesn't provide an API to get this # list LISTVAR="" for env in os.environ.data: LISTVAR = "%s,%s" % (LISTVAR, env) # check arguments. HIDE_ERRORS=True CREATE_TEMP=True NO_TEMP_PROFILE_OPTIONS = [ "-reset-profile","-profile","-p","-createprofile","-profilemanager", "--reset-profile","--profile","--p","--createprofile","--profilemanager", ] for arg in SYS_ARGS: if arg == '--help' or arg == "-h": showHelp() sys.exit(0) # If profile parameters, don't create a temporary profile if arg.lower() in NO_TEMP_PROFILE_OPTIONS: CREATE_TEMP=False if arg == '--debug=true' or (arg.startswith('--debug=') and arg.find("errors") != -1): HIDE_ERRORS=False PROFILE=[] PROFILE_DIR="" if CREATE_TEMP: PROFILE_DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'slimerjs.') PROFILE=['--profile', PROFILE_DIR] else: PROFILE=["-purgecaches"] # put all arguments in a variable, to have original arguments before their transformation # by Mozilla os.environ.data['__SLIMER_ENV'] = LISTVAR os.environ.data['__SLIMER_ARGS'] = string.join(SYS_ARGS,' ') # launch slimerjs with firefox/xulrunner SLCMD = [ SLIMERJSLAUNCHER ] SLCMD.extend(["-app", os.path.join(SLIMERJS_PATH, "application.ini"), "-no-remote"]) if sys.platform == "win32": SLCMD.extend(["-attach-console"]) SLCMD.extend(PROFILE) SLCMD.extend(SYS_ARGS) exitCode = 0 try: if HIDE_ERRORS: try: from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k except ImportError: DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb') exitCode = subprocess.call(SLCMD, stderr=DEVNULL) else: exitCode = subprocess.call(SLCMD) except OSError as err: print('Fatal: %s. Are you sure %s exists?' % (err, SLIMERJSLAUNCHER)) sys.exit(1) if CREATE_TEMP: shutil.rmtree(PROFILE_DIR) sys.exit(exitCode)